| Staff Destiny Range 10.00 Strength 628-664 Intellect 1029-1086 Restricted to Mystic Priest Shura Requires LV 100 Health +800 *Item can get extra bonus randomly *Item can get extra bonus randomly
By: 2 Gold 94 Silver 54 Bronze Sell: 29 Silver 45 Bronze 23791 "A wand used to comfort sorrowful souls" Imbuing item: Destiny Ethrelic Imbue cost: 3 Gold 51 Silver 82 Bronze Imbue cost: 35182 Treasure
| Bonuses in the Imbue |
| | | | |
+1 | 149 | +11 | 3645 | |
+2 | 240 | +12 | 4379 | |
+3 | 341 | +13 | 5184 | |
+4 | 455 | +14 | 6070 | |
+5 | 636 | +15 | 7045 | |
+6 | 910 | +16 | 8118 | |
+7 | 1321 | +17 | 9297 | |
+8 | 1822 | +18 | 10594 | |
+9 | 2373 | +19 | 12020 | |
+10 | 2979 | +20 | 13589 | |